Make sure you never exceed your luggage allowance and have to pay a fine. With this Digital Luggage scale you will be able to accurately weigh your luggage, the scale has zero and tare functions and can weigh up to 50Kg. There is also a built in thermometer with easy read display so you can track how HOT your holiday is getting.
Make sure you never exceed your luggage allowance and have to pay a fine. With this Digital Luggage scale you will be able to accurately weigh your luggage, the scale has zero and tare functions and can weigh up to 50Kg. There is also a built in thermometer with easy read display so you can track how HOT your holiday is getting.
- Requires 1x 3v lithium cell battery
- Avoid paying excess baggage fees
- Zero and tare functions
- Built in thermometer
- Weigh your luggage
- Weighs up to 50Kg
- Easy read display