Barbie and the Secret Door Doll (Set of 2)
Barbie and the Secret Door Doll (Set of 2)
Barbie and the Secret Door Doll (Set of 2)
Barbie and the Secret Door Doll (Set of 2)

Barbie and the Secret Door Doll (Set of 2)

  • Description

    In the enchanting DVD Barbie and The Secret Door, Princess Alexa finds herself in a magical world filled with brilliant colour and fantastical characters! Recreate favourite scenes from the film with the two beautiful dolls, Nori and Romy, and capture the moment when the co-stars throw a tea party. The stunning fairy and mermaid dolls look eye-catching and perfectly pretty in their bright party dresses with brilliant signature colours and iconic adornments. Cute necklaces and hair accessories resonate with neon glitz.

    Girls will delight in recreating this memorable scene and creating new happily-ever-after's! 


    • Barbie & Friends: Assorted Fashionistas Dolls
    • Recreate memorable tea party scene
    • Colourful dresses, shoes and accessories
    • Includes 1 x fairy doll and 1 x mermaid doll
    • 3+ Years