Haunted House: Spooky Butler with Lights & Sound

Haunted House: Spooky Butler with Lights & Sound

Haunted House
  • Description

    ♪ Baby, don't fear the reaper  ...Unless it's this one. Definitely fear this guy!

    This incredible spooky butler stands a whopping 5 foot 7 inches tall, and is as terrifying as he is awesome. With creepy flashing eyes and motion sensors, he's sure to knock 'em dead at any party. He also makes spooky noises which are sure to scare the life out of unsuspecting guests and trick or treaters.

    Use him to terrify friends or take a selfie to prove your bravery, but either way, be sure you invite him to your party, or there will be hell to pay! 


    • Haunted House: Spooky Butler with Lights & Sound
    • Creepy LED light-up eyes
    • Motion sensors to terrify passers by
    • Spooky noises
    • Life-sized - 5.7ft tall
    • 3 x LR44 batteries