Explore the magical world of Disney’s Encanto with Antonio’s Tree House Room Play Set, which comes with an Antonio doll, plus six accessories including a capybara, toucan, and giant boa. Place the Antonio doll in front of his door and see it swing open. Put him on the stone by the tree trunk to reveal the secret hideaway for his capybara friend.
- Description
Explore the magical world of Disney’s Encanto with Antonio’s Tree House Room Play Set, which comes with an Antonio doll, plus six accessories including a capybara, toucan, and giant boa. Place the Antonio doll in front of his door and see it swing open. Put him on the stone by the tree trunk to reveal the secret hideaway for his capybara friend.
P26693-A57806 - Features
- Features a swinging hammock, water slide, and a secret hideaway in the tree canopy for Antonio or his animal friends
- Place Antonio on the stone by the tree trunk to reveal the secret hideaway for his capybara friend
- Step and Surprise feature: Antonio doll opens the door to his magical room
- Accessories include capybara, toucan, snake, hammock, and chair
- Comes with Antonio figure
- Suitable for 3 years+
- Safety Information
Not suitable for children under 3 years. Choking hazard. Small parts.