Disney Mickey And Friends Mickey Face Shaped Platter

Disney Mickey And Friends Mickey Face Shaped Platter


A Mickey Mouse face-shaped platter is a platter for serving dish designed in the iconic shape of Mickey Mouse's face. This type of platter is perfect for serving food and snacks at parties, events, or gatherings with a Disney or Mickey Mouse Halloween parties. The design features the recognisable silhouette of Mickey Mouse, with his round ears and circular face.

  • Description

    A Mickey Mouse face-shaped platter is a platter for serving dish designed in the iconic shape of Mickey Mouse's face. This type of platter is perfect for serving food and snacks at parties, events, or gatherings with a Disney or Mickey Mouse Halloween parties. The design features the recognisable silhouette of Mickey Mouse, with his round ears and circular face.

  • Features

    • Dimesnions: 36 x 35cm (Approx.)